Ann Bates trained as a florist, and worked as both a designer and floristry teacher. She was also a knowledgeable and skilled gardener, discovering a variety of trailing Glandularia (aka verbena) ‘Silver Ann’, which is named after her. Children: Stephen, Jeremy and Emma.
Judith Bates worked for the theatre producer, Henry Sherrick, and trained as a milliner before her marriage. She was a life-member of the WRVS, serving as Children’s Holiday Organiser for 17 years before becoming County Organiser. Children: Andrew and Beverley (aka Victoria).
Richard Bates became a television producer but previously worked as a magazine editor and then as a story editor on The Avengers. He is most well known for producing The Darling Buds of May, My Uncle Silas, A Touch of Frost, Hannay, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Tripods and Bluebell. Children: Jonathan, Lydia and Justin.

Jonathan Bates started his working life at Elstree Film Studios working his way up to become Sound Editor. He worked on nearly all Richard Attenborough’s films and was nominated for an Oscar for his work on Gandhi and won a BAFTA for Cry Freedom. His film credits include: Flash Gordon, Chorus Line, Mona Lisa, Chaplin, Shadowlands and The Trench. Children: Timothy and Catharine
H.E. dedicated three books to his children and one to his grandchildren:
The Seasons and the Gardener: A Book for Children: ‘Dear Ann, Judith, Richard and Jonathan...’ Writing in the form of a letter he dedicates the book to the children with the hope that they will look back one day and remember the days they spent in their own little garden, under the pink plum tree, as one of the happiest things in their life.
Flower and Faces: ‘To my little flowers, Ann and Judith’
The White Admiral: ‘To Richard and Jonathan, who got stung’
Oh! To Be in England: ‘To Stephen, Jeremy, Andrew, Beverley and Emma’
In addition the story 'Go, Lovely Rose' is a gentle and humorous tale about a father who finds himself stranded outside as he waits to watch his young daughter arrive home safely after a date.