H.E. Bates was an English novelist, short story writer and essayist best known for creating the much loved Larkin family in his series of comic novels beginning with The Darling Buds of May. He was a prolific writer, producing 11 novels, over 300 short stories, several non-fiction books on country life and gardening, as well as poems, plays and stories for children.
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One of the most vividly evocative writers of English... able to conjure up in a handful of words whole landscapes and moods.

Watch: The Bates Family discuss The Larkins with Terry Wogan
H.E.’s wife, Madge and son, Richard discuss the launch of The Darling Buds of May television series with legendary TV chat show host, Terry Wogan. This was aired on BBC 1 on the 8th May 1991.
He who wishes to fulfil his mission in the world must be a man of one idea, that is, of one great overmastering purpose, overshadowing all his aims, and guiding and controlling his entire life.